


Justin Bieber Harry Styles

Justin Bieber and Harry Styles of One Direction have championed on through the first round of Prom King voting (after defeating Chris Brown and Jay McGuiness of the Wanted, respectively), and now these two heartthrobs are facing off in a head-to-head match to see who will advance to the finals. So, which singer do you think deserves to be crowned the king of our pop music prom?
Justin Bieber is already king to millions of his Beliebers, but does he have what it takes to overcome the star power exuded by One Direction hottie Harry Styles? Both fellows have insanely loyal fan bases that span across the entire globe, and both are great singers with catchy, chart-topping songs within their discographies. And while it’s clear Bieber and Styles have a lot of talent, they also have the amazing good looks to match.
We’re sure if they attended high school together, Bieber and Styles would’ve been two of the most popular dudes in school. Just check out Bieber’s heart-melting smile, and Styles’ sexy, smoldering stare. They’d be chasing girls off even if they weren’t famous! And we know they can already pull off the Letterman jacket look, so there’s that, too.
So, who would you want to see crowned king of the PopCrush prom? Vote for Justin Bieber or Harry Styles once per hour until this round of voting closes on Friday, May 17 at 12PM ET. After that, we will announce the final two males who will be duking it out in the finals for 2013′s prom king!

every directioner vote for harry styles 
please directioner harry need your
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